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CQ World Wide VHF Contest

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JR4CZMSingle Op 6MI enjoyed the contest.Thanks for all
JR6HYO/1Single Op 6MI enjoyed the contest
JS3CGH/5Single Op 6MI was participating in the JA5 contest, the station I called sent me a grid locator, so I also sent a grid locator. Used a WINDOM antenna
K0BAK/RRoverActivated FN21, FN11, FN10, FN20. Activity limited by rainstorms, especially thunderstorms on Saturday
K0OPSingle Op 6MOperated Portable. 6M dipole. Had fun!
K1DSSingle Op AllMinimal station here, 50W and only dipole on 6m and 3 elements on 2m
K1HTVSingle Op AllHere in VA (FM18ap) we had interesting 6M propagation Saturday evening. After working an EA, a G, a pair of EI's, and 2 Cuban stations between 2220 and 2235Z, around 00:30Z (Sunday UTC) the Magic Band opened again to Japan. I managed to work 8 JA stations in 6 different grids. The last JA was heard at 02:28Z, 1028 PM EDT. It's the latest day in July and the latest time of day that I've ever copied Japan on 6 Meters. I didn't get home from church Sunday until after 9PM, so I missed any 2M tropo, if there even was any. Around 16Z the 6M band tried to open to Europe again. A number of stations briefly popped in with decent signals, only to disappear completely in a minute or two and not reappear. Unlike the JA opening, this European opening was a frustrating one to work. Only managed to snag 4 new grids in Europe, 2 in YL and 2 in SM. The rest of the day was spent checking 2M and 6M SSB & CW and working mostly 6M FT8, where most of the action was. CQ should seriously consider changing the structure of their VHF contests to allow stations to work each other on CW, Voice and Digital modes on 6M and 2M. For the past few years, it appears that the prime focus of activity in VHF contests has been on the FT8 and FT4 digital modes. If the suggestewd change is made, the CW and SSB segments will one again come alive in future VHF contests. 73, Rich - K1HTV www.qrz.com/db/K1HTV
K2LNS/3Single Op 6MFun to take a ride and do some portable with a small station
K3TWSingle Op QRP'Band conditions on 50 MHz. were well below average this year.'
K4YCRSingle Op 6MReally enjoyed Saturday evening ... first 3 JA's on 6 ... may be a real good cycle
K5NDSingle Op 6MPoor conditions on Saturday. Closed out with an early evening thunderstorm. Thanks for contacts
K5OMCSingle Op 6MEven tho the band was weak in a way I can't complain because I got 3 new grids and one of them was a DX to Poland. Not bad for a loop at 30' and 100w
K5QEMulti-OpAll of our operators, except for myself, were Rookies this time. Most were just barely familiar with FT8, but they learned quickly and did very well. The EME operator was a Rookie EME op, but he made over 30 contacts there. I think that everyone had a great time and I hope that they will come back soon. Overall, conditions were poor to fair. We did not have any openings to anywhere on SSB or CW. We just kept banging away on FT8 and MSK144
K5ZDSingle Op AllBands were wide open. Had fun on those few times I could find activity on CW and SSB. It was easier to work people there than on FT8. Personal best score ever
KA0PQWSingle Op AllFun contest just need mor activity on analog modes. Thanks 73 Matt ka0pqw
KA6BIMSingle Op 6MWell looks like there were two distinct contests, East coast & West coast. I spent the weekend on 6 mtrs. The farthest East I worked was Utah & New Mexico. West was a different story. I had a 3+ hour opening to Asia. I had more JA's in my log than US stations. Plus a few HL's, BV, BY KL7 KH6. BV & BY were new 6 meter DXCC for me. I missed the VR2 that called me. Saturday afternoon was the best DX opening I have had on 6. There was another shorter opening Sunday after the contest ended
KB8WSingle Op 6MMy first CQ WW VHF contest entry. Band was very good with lots of Es propagation
KB8ZRSingle Op AllFUN
KC0VEPSingle Op 6MFirst time using FT8 for a contest. Never knew how many hams had moved to that format. However, I think I still prefer PSK31 or Voice
KC7QYSingle Op 6MCould only operate Saturday. Conditions less than exciting
KD3HNSingle Op 6MStorms first day, openings second day, but software issues / operator errors
KD4IZSingle Op AllThunderstorms curtailed operations several times
KD6EFQ/RRoverNot a lot of phone contacts or stations heard on 50 MHz USB FM phone QSOs on 146.55 drew in only two
KD7UOSingle Op AllWould have been nice had there been a west coast opening. As predicted, it showed up just as the contest was closing!
KD7WPJHilltopperOperated from Chamisal Mountain at 792 m altitude
KD9QHQSingle Op 6MUsing a 6m jpole. The band was .. uncooperative, but such is life!
KE4SSingle Op 6MMy first successful attempt to use WSJT-X with N1MM+. FINALLY! got it working
KE6GFISingle Op AllWell my lowest score ever, only 1 opening on 6, but managed to work some new grids so that made it worthwhile, took a big break Saturday night to watch the Phoenix Suns/Bucks basketball game. Just not a lot of action out west on SSB this year
KG6BXW/RRoverSaturday: DM07-CM96-CM97-CM96-CM86-CM96-DM07 Sunday: DM07 Had a lot of fun going out to UCSC (CM86) and Lilly Mountain (DM07). Next contest I might go down to socal as all my previous rover trips have been to the bay area
KG9OV/RRoverFirst contest entry as a rover. Some minor computer issues got things off to a slow start, but once that was resolved all went pretty well. Still some kinks to work out and plenty of room for improvements in the rover station and setup, but overall a good first outing. Sat: EN40 EN41 EN51 EN50 Sun: EM57 EM47 EM49 EM59 In a late change to the plan for Sunday I tried to get down to the EM46/47/56/57 grid corner, but mother nature had other plans. The rover setup was not doing well in the rain at all, so I ended up retreating to better weather and hit a few grids closer to home. Some decent 6m openings on Saturday kept things interesting and even managed a small SSB run late in the evening. But, the highlight of the contest was working N1BUG in FN55 on 2m from EN50. Gear: Flex 6600 / Q5 Signal 5BVUX / 2m 100w brick 6m - Par Moxon @ 12' 2m - Directive Systems 6el Rover Yagi @ 10' Qs by Band/Mode: 6m SSB: 61 6m FT8: 57 2m SSB: 15 2m FT8: 23 Thanks to everyone for the Qs and especially to Jeff K9KLD and Ron K9YY for the help putting the rover together
KN5SSingle Op 6MTS-2000 and Diamond CP62 vertical antenna. That's about all that survived February's hail storm
KS1PPYSingle Op AllSlow stormy start with power outages and rain and lightening delays, bands were not as perfect as I would have hoped for, but for my first WW VHF contest I had a load of fun. Set another best for VHF contests in general and looking forward to more
KT8OSingle Op AllIt was great to have my radio repaired and able to use 6M again. Heard my first JA on my dipole
KV4ZYSingle Op AllCasual operating just for fun
KW4GSingle Op AllI wish some would leave FT8 for SSB and CW
KX7LSingle Op AllSaturday was pretty much just locals, but a pretty good turnout of locals. Sunday started out the same, but we had some nice openings late in the contest to the NE: VE6, VE5 and even VE4 were worked or heard. Thanks for all the Q's!
LA5LJASingle Op 6Mdipole and 40w
LU1BJWSingle Op AllI am very glad that after several years the participation of stations in South America has increased making the contest more fun and interesting
LU7DWSingle Op 6MVery bad, there is only one category for Human-Human
LY0NASSingle Op QRPUsed IC-705. Part QSOs made with 6m. moxon antenna,
M0HOMSingle Op Alla few contests going on at the same time on the sunday morning caused a little confusion, and everyone seems to give a sig report regardless, not an issue, eitherway, had fun looking for new grid's - 73 all
M0MCVSingle Op 6MLimited Sporadic-E openings in this part of the UK so not too many QSOs
N0JKHilltopperBrief operation from parking lot at work. MFJ-9406, 1/4 wave whip
N1ADXSingle Op 6MI was portable at my summer home/camp in Westminster West, VT for this weekend
N1JFUSingle Op AllBest was a very brief 2m Es opening from FN42 to EN33, I worked W0VTT
N2BEGSingle Op AllHad very little time for this contest which I usually enjoy. Only had 2.5 hours in the chair. Activity seemed down, even for this contest especially given the band openings on 6 both days. CQ needs to seriously contemplate either segregating digital modes to another contest or making a rules change to offer incentive to get on modes more aligned with higher rates especially in VHF contests with limited openings. The digital modes are a wonderful addition but have severe limitations in contests as so many others have lamented. How long will it take for changes? Also why not offer more bands on this contest? Since our spectrum is going away at a rapid pace, one one think any more activity on the VHF and UHF bands would be a GOOD thing to encourage at every opportunity? It is all we have to show we use the frequencies we have!
N4DXYMulti-OpStruggled to make contacts, but had fun
N4XDSingle Op 6MAll CW or SSB no FT8. Would be nice to see that as a category :) Not much activity on CW and SSB. I did check on FT8 and MANY very loud signals there that I never heard on the other modes. CQ, thanks for sponsoring the contest

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