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CQ World Wide VHF Contest

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KX4KUSingle Op 6MFirst time. Learned some things
KX7LSingle Op AllWow! Lots of fun. Was 6m ever not open during the contest? Unfortunately I had other obligations, but still managed a decent (for me) score, and a new grid or two. Biggest surprise was working WR7X in DN15 (tropo?). Nice solid opening to SoCal on Sunday. I tried to follow the conventional wisdom, and went to SSB when signals got strong. Worked a few, but seems like most folk stayed on FT8
LY5GChecklogTS-590 set to 5W and A-63N YAGI
LZ2JASingle Op 6MRig: IC-7300 100 W Ant: 5-el Yagi
M0MCVSingle Op 6MThe Es didn't shine very favourably here and I had other commitments after 12z, so only a very small log this time!
M0OSASingle Op 6MVery little Sporadic-E on the Sunday morning. Thx for all the contacts
M6OXOSingle Op QRPPoor conditions totally flat
N0AKCSingle Op AllBest I have have done in the CQ WW VHF Contest
N0AXSingle Op AllGot the 2 meter beam installed - finally. Nothing like a contest to provide an incentive for long-delayed jobs
N0JKHilltopperHad to work both days of the contest. Got on in the last hour to hand out a few contacts. MFJ-9406 on FT8, 1/4 wave whip on car
N0LDSingle Op 6M9 new grids, 74 contacts lots of fun on 6m only Loop @ 25 ft
N0SMXSingle Op 6MIC-7600 EndFed Sloper. Certainly hoped for better conditions. Maybe next year
N1AVSingle Op 6MThis was a fun event. My first time ever running 'single band' anything. I have put a lot of time and effort into my 6m station so I wanted to give it a go to see what it could do. Some moments it was very exhilarating on the bands, while others I did air squats at my operating table with the headphones on to break up the boredom. I think I put about 30 miles worth to travel on my rotor, it was almost moving non stop for the contest as I was looking for anything to work and put in the log. The event started out strong with a quick run on voice for the first hour of the contest, then moved to digital. During the contents I ran FT4, FT8, MSK144 and SSB. I wish more ops had thought about FT4.. but oh well. All we can do is promote the activity. Band conditions were very flakey. Hard to find prop strong enough to support voice contacts for more than 3-4 min at a time. Signals were just not strong enough. Had a lot of spotlight double hop prop on Sunday and due to this I think I qualified for the Worked ALL FN42 Award. 10 min later- all signals gone. Soon after I had a software crash just as I saw W3EP and W8ZN calling me. ARRRRRRG! Did manage to catch W8ZN for an ATNO in the last hour of the contest. SWEET. AL1VE was another catch I was hunting for the whole contest for an ANTO. Thanks guys for the efforts! Thanks to WZ1V for sticking with me and working me on voice, my only SSB contact out of New England, and he was LOUD. Nice to have a short conversation with AC0RA/R on SSB as well.. too bad we had just worked on FT8 5 min earlier. Congrats to K9DR for joining the ranks of MSK ops, you had a great signal and I am happy to be your #1 on MSK144. Thanks for all the grid expeditions, the PNW and Central States rovers, and all the folks who had patience through the quick fades and very strange prop over the weekend. Special thanks to all the family members who put up with us. Already thinking about station tweaks to improve for next year. Stay healthy and radio active. See you on the bands. - Jay N1AV
N1RRSingle Op 2MODX: K5VIP FM16 442 miles
N2DXT/RRoverA pleasure to serve the CQ Worldwide VHF contest community as a rover for the first time
N2JNRSingle Op AllGreat contest, just wish I had more time to devote to it as it overlapped with the ARRL RTTY Contest on Saturday 7/18. Spent a very little bit of time on Saturday due to this, but gave a good amount of my day on Sunday for the contest. Enjoyed the Sporadic E openings on 6 meters at times which gave me some new grid squares on the band. Fun times overall!
N2KWSingle Op 6MThanks to Dave, K1TTT, for the use of his fine station!
N2OASingle Op AllThis contest should just be renamed the CQ FT8 contest. When 6m was open Saturday there was not even activity on FT4. Contest rules need to be changed to motivate moving off of FT8
N2VHZSingle Op 6MI used 100 watts into a PAR omniangle (halo) antenna at 25 feet. 4 Phone QSO's. 29 FT8 QSO's. 29 separate grids. 4 + 29 = 33 X 29 = 957 overall points
N4BPSingle Op 6MNice opening from 7PM EDT Saturday until after 11PM. Sunday was a bust
N4DTFSingle Op AllSeems like everyone was on digital. Please consider a rule change to encourage SSB - or a separate contest for digital. I'm in support of both modes
N5XTRSingle Op AllFT8 is taking the fun out of VHF contesting
N6ANSingle Op QRPI set up portable on a rise to the west of the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. An XE2K square loop and Ed Fong rollable J-Pole were held up by a 10' section of pvc pipe on a home made stand. I used a KX3 running 10 watts on 6 and 3 watts on 2. Best DX was XE2CQ on 144.200 MHz. TU! My second location was on Angeles Crest Highway due north of Mt Wilson where I operated from the car. Conditions were not good from there, but I got to see comet NEOWISE after 0430Z
N6NRSingle Op 6MThis was the first time I tried running 100%
N6QQSingle Op 6MNeed more hours Sunday - Band opens on WEST Coast around 3 pm -
N6WSSingle Op AllI was having a relaxing weekend, and had fun 73 to All, Bill
N6ZE/RRoverDuring drive in R/V thru OR & CA on Interstate Route I-5, I called 'CQ' from roadside rest areas only due to safety concerns on attempting QSOs while in motion in an unstable vehicle. hours each day over bumpy roads with construction & heavy traffic.) In CN-82, I worked old friend, Paul, W7FS/NS6V, formerly of DM-04, who now lives in Grants Pass, OR. From with WC6J/6 (CM-89). I called 'CQ' from grids CN83, CN82, CN80, CM99, CM98, & CM97. I heard no other stations on 6 meters or 2 meters, but loud FT-6 on 6 meters, at one point. Rig: FT-817 (2w) & self contained extendable Maldol AH-510R whip. Notes: Roads traffic was grotesque & XYL had a migraine headache all of Sunday. Other than these events, this was a normal contest event, but I did get on the air. Thanks to 'CQ Magazine' for sponsoring this annual event, and especially to Bruce Horn, WA7BMN who manages the Cabrillo Manual Log Entry web site AND especially his '3830 Rumor Page' for a tremendous number of amateur radio contests!!!
N7NWSingle Op AllGreat contest and had some good Es openings
N7ZZSingle Op 6MA beam would make this contest a lot more fun
N8KHSingle Op 6MOnce again, FT8 made this a very disappointing contest. Only once, when the band was open, did people go to CW and SSB. During that time, my QSO rate increased from 10/hour 180/hour. FT8 is a very slow mode, at only It is good when the band is dead, but horrible when the band is open. FT8 is ruining VHF contesting, not because of the mode itself, but because most amateurs won't QSY and use faster modes. Wisdom: When SNR is high, it is time to QSY!
N8URSingle Op 6MReally poor conditions had to work for every QSO
N8VWSingle Op AllDidn't hear anybody on 2m and I don't have digi on that band, no rotator either and pointing towards other high population areas produced no qsos. Guess antenna is too low. Lots of ft8 activiy and pretty much no ssb/cw. I like ft8 but it makes me sad to not be able to work more people using those modes. Thanks to everyone who I did work via non-ft8. K3/IC-706MKIIG 3el at 22', 13el at 27' armstrong rotator
N9TTX/RRoverBack in the game again since 2009
NA5RCSingle Op QRPI hate Cabrillo Logging
NA9DSingle Op 6MDidn't even originally know the contest was on. Just turned on the radio to pick up grids. Had fun and decided to submit the scores. Pair of PAR Omni Angles stacked on my chimney is all my antennas are
NC6KSingle Op AllAnother poor weekend for propagation here in SoCal. Oh well, as they say, 'Wait 'til next year!'. Thanks to all for the Qs
NE1BMulti-OpPoor 6 meter conditions in New England. Minimal Multi-hop Es. Suggest that the only digital mode for contest use should be FT4. FT8 wastes too much air time for rapidly fading VHF conditions
NI0PSingle Op 6Mfirst time
NJ4QSingle Op 6MSecond outing on 6. But for W7XU in SD and one op 40 miles away I feel that I might pay more attention to 6M. de NJ4Q
NN5TSingle Op 6MSP, I, 7X, DU, JA, XW, PA called to
NO0TSingle Op 6MOnly could get on part time. Lots of fast
NQ6XSingle Op AllFT8 was the superior mode in 2020 for contacts but USB continues to briing more joy on a successful contact!
NR0TMulti-OpThis is my wife (KE0TL/OA4ABC) and my (NR0T) first entry in CQWW-VHF. We had fun even though the 2 meter yagi was swinging in the breeze. The 6 meter antenna is a full-wave loop and omni-directional, so that was where we spent most of our time. Total time operated was just short of 9 hours
NS7USingle Op 6MDid not have much time, but enjoyed the QSOs
OE6RADSingle Op QRPOnly one local QSO on 2m :( QRP is a hard work :)
OH3MASingle Op AllSri for a later input
OH5ZASingle Op 6MLate start at 1400Z. Happy to work even one station after 1730Z. FT8-signals showed the band being open to more areas, though... Cheers/73, Zaba OH1ZAA
ON6NLSingle Op 6MA pity the almost daily trans atlantic propagation where not there. Still liked the high activity levels specially in FT8 Rig IC7610, ACOM1000 Ant Home made 5 el LFA at 20 meters
OP2DMulti-Opfirst-time participation to CQ-VHF contest little interest from EU stations - but fun!
PU2LFUSingle Op 2MContatos realizados em FM e SSB

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