Call | Category | Comments | PU2LMN | Single Op 2M | SINGLE OPERATOR 2 M TODOS OS MODOS (FM - SSB - FT8) | PU2MGP | Single Op All | Contatos realizados em VHF 2metros FM e SSB e 6metros em SSB | PU2YBW | Single Op 2M | PH (SSB+FM) | PY2AXH | Single Op All | BIG 73s | PY2LCD | Single Op All | DXPEDITION | PY2RAF | Single Op All | This was hell of fun, I enjoyed a lot this contest! Operated FT-991A T2FD antenna for 6m 5/8 Vertical for 2m. My best regards to my friends Douglas, Hugo and Enrique | PY3DU | Checklog | LOG to validate the work of colleagues who really continued to participate in the CQWW VHF in the PY3 region | R7MU | Single Op 2M | IC-910D, Ant. DK7ZB 12el | SP3BES | Single Op QRP | FT817ND ant GP balcony 75m ASL | SP9BNM | Single Op 6M | IC746PRO ant GP | SP9EMI | Single Op 6M | TRX FT857 50W ANT DOBLE BAZOOKA | SP9HAX | Single Op 6M | TRX IC7300 100W Ant GP 7 | SP9SOO | Checklog | IC706 100w ANT 3EL | SQ6ELV | Single Op 6M | Start only with very limited time due to family issues | SQ9KPA | Checklog | TRX: Yaesu FT690RII 10W Quad Antena Home Made | TA3E | Multi-Op | tnx | TA3ST | Single Op 6M | 3 EL HOME MADE YAGI | UR7QDU | Single Op 2M | 71311 | US6IKF | Single Op 6M | TNX/73! | US7IGN | Single Op 6M | 756pro3 | US8AR | Single Op 2M | Hi OM's! Thank's for the nice Contest! 73! | UT7UA | Single Op 6M | trcvr SunSDR2, PA MERCURY-III, 2x5 El YAGI Antenna! Many thanks for the great contest! | UT8AL | Single Op QRP | Tnx for the Contest! 73! | UW5EIY | Single Op 2M | 71311 | UX7LL | Single Op 6M | Kenwood TS-570S,ANT 1el LOOP | UY2UR | Single Op 6M | Propagation was not so good | VA3PAF/R | Rover | This was my first 6M Contest using a DIY | VA3WEB | Single Op 6M | My FIRST two 6m contacts EVER and my first ever contest entry. 6M Band conditions were awful. I had fun and was excited to finally get onto 6m! 73! | VA6AN | Single Op All | Had fun Pretty lonely up here in DO42 check and click on DO42 to see setup | VE3RVZ | Single Op All | Tough conditions, but I got more antennas up! | VE3SMA | Single Op All | Operation from Burlington, ON FN03ch My transmitted mode is shown for cross-mode contacts Equipment - 50 MHz Elecraft K2 + homebrew xvtr + amp 70W to Moxon @ 25 ft. 144 MHz Elecraft K2 + DEMI xvtr + amp 100W, dipole @ 20 ft. Log contains 1 known duplicate QSO not counted in | VE3ZY | Single Op 6M | 75w to 80m dipole. Had trouble uploading cabrillo file. ADIF converter bailed me out | VE7HR | Single Op All | First time operating in CQVHF, Nice to see some stations on phone | W0ETT | Single Op All | Nice to have 6m open for first 1 1/2 hours | W0OGH | Single Op 6M | Poor condx. Two days and could only garner 61 Q's. Heard lots more but no replies. Some called but after my reply, they were gone | W1UC | Multi-Op | Operating battery-portable from Cadillac Mountain, FN54VI. op W1UC on 2 meters, 7el yagi handheld on fiberglass pole. op W1FET on 6 meters, 4el LFA yagi on fiberglass pole | W2CCC | Single Op 6M | Well, made 1 SSB QSO!! | W3EKT | Single Op All | Even though I can operate the computer modes, FT8 isn't my idea of ham radio. Ed | W3HMS | Single Op All | 1st time entered. FT8 worked well each band. 123 QSOs....9063 PTS | W3WJC | Single Op 2M | Poor turnout in Reading Pennsylvania | W4EE | Single Op All | Ouch! | W4EEY | Single Op All | Just a part time effort. Had my desktop computer lock up solid six times. I gave up and installed a laptop which worked flawlessly. Thanks to Tom N0TR for the 13 Element 2M Beam. Worked great! 73 de W4EEY | W6ABM | Single Op 6M | Operating from Pumice Point on the rim of Crater Lake at 6,250' | W7ERY | Single Op QRP | photos on qrz page | W7QH | Single Op All | Thanks for opportunity! | W8AEF | Single Op All | Computer problems as usual | W8KNO | Single Op All | Thanks to those that played! | W8MRL | Single Op 6M | Poor conditions overall. I'm thankful for FT8! | W8TN | Single Op 6M | 500-watts to 3-element inside the attic | W9KVR | Multi-Op | This was our second contest with my 8-year old daughter Ellie and her grandfather. We stuck with FT8 and tried to work some new grid squares. It has been a great experience in helping Ellie prep for her Tech test in a few weeks! |