Call | Category | Comments | 4S7JL/R | Rover | Good time. Had a lot of fun. 2015 only two grids, this time I activate four grids. | 9H1AE | Single Op 6M | Many thanks for nice contest, 8th floor vertical & 100W. | AA8TA | Single Op 6M | Operated for about 90 minutes, perhaps. Found a nice variety of stations around the country, some new states. 6 meters can be surprising at times, especially for my less-than-great antenna. Thanks for the Q?s. i hope to make more contacts next time. Kenwood ts-590s barefoot homemade halo, 15 feet AGL | AC4G | Single Op 6M | Lots of QSB to deal with. | AI4WL | Single Op 6M | Only 2 short openings here, one each afternoon. | CT7AIX | Single Op All | My first CQ WW VHF. 73 | E70AA | Hilltopper | Operated for less than 6 hours in the tophiller category from the nearby mountain, elevation 1300+M Had mechanical problem with my 2m antennas, so operated only 6m. The setup: battery-powered ft-817nd and 6m moxon. The north was completely closed, but there were a few openings to the south. Worked a number of stations from the Mediterranean sea area and truly enjoyed the contest | GW6KLQ | Checklog | Only had chance to work one station, but many heard | I4JEE | Single Op 6M | No gd propagation - short skep - italy out the range of eu work stations. Very poor condition - but always a gd contest and good oraganization staff | IK7LMX | Checklog | Nice Es across the Europe, but no many time to stay in radio (today is my birthday too) | JA0NFP | Single Op 6M | I enjoyed the contest | JR1NKN | Single Op QRP | I am very glad to have QSO?s | K1AUS | Single Op 6M | Only heard one station on USB and they faded out before i could get their callsign. Only one contact completed using FT-8. N1MM+ dosen't seem to have any capablity to enter which digital mode is used | K1ZK | Hilltopper | This was my first time atop Mount Equinox - Fantastic! | K3CCR | Multi-Op | K3CCR is the club station at the Collington Continuing-Care retirement community at fm 18ow in md, just east of DC. N3um and W3GB operated in the july 2017 CQ VHF, W3GB for ~2 hrs starting 19z saturday due to non-ham commitments. Moderate 6M eskip was there at the 18 z start; DM99, EL87, and EM12 in 15 min, then 9 skip Q?s in 8 grids before Es died at 1905 z. Also got 25 los/tropo Q?ss on 6 and 2, 18-2036 z, then that died too. Took a break, had supper, and came back to find 6M jumping. made 40 Es Q?s in 35 grids, 27 new, in 3 hr starting 23 z, plus 8 los/tropo Q?s. Only 2 Q?s were on 2M but one of those was in FN41, ~350 miles away. On Sunday just before 14z, made 4 Q?s in 5 min CQing on 6, but all 4 were within los, also looking for skip, and also finding none. The rest of Sunday was dead slow on both bands; a total 18 Q?s, just one via Es, in em26 at 1716 z. Our 48 grids on 6M was just 2 short of vhcc (vhf half-century club). Still, activity level seemed low. We made just 1 qso in 27 of our 36 skip grids, 4 Q?ss in the Kansas city grid, 3 each in Denver and St. Louis, and 2 in others. Los/tropo activity died on both bands whenever Es was not either present or expected (e.g. at 14 z Sun.)?. | K3MEC | Checklog | Had fun thanks to w8zn terry's effort. Now good antenna above the trees and ridgeline at 2350'. No digital, about 1/2 CW and 1/2 SSB | K3TW | Single Op QRP | Band conditions were average for QRP | K5XU | Single Op 6M | Needed to find one more station in order to make 50 contacts, but no #50 was to be found | K6CSL | Single Op 6M | Very rough challenge. Hope for better conditions next year | K7JAN | Single Op 6M | Sparce but still great time | K7XC | Single Op All | Missed all of Saturday due to operating the NAQP RTTY contest. Woke up early Sunday and worked the last 4 hours or so. The new JT mode FT8 is a big hit! Its more efficient and so much faster, allowing me to work 4 double hops Q?s in the span of one possible JT65A contact! Hurrah for K1JT responding to the need for a better 6M terrestrial mode, thank you !!! Thank you !!! Station: barefoot ic-746 @ 90w, 6ele homebrew dk7zb 7.1m boom @ 25 f | K9JK/R | Rover | Op'd from 4 grids in il on saturday (about 4.5 hours with a little bit of drive time) & returned to those same 4 grids on Sunday for another three hours. 70 qs/55 ms on Saturday and 39 qs/27 ms on Sunday but, since Sunday's operating was from the same grids as Saturday's operating, only 7 of Sunday's 27 ms were 'new' over Saturday's ms - 109 qs/62 ms total. It was great to contact W9RM on 50 mhz from all 4 of the grids I visited and K5QE and NR7T from three of the grids I visited. Five local stations were contacted from all 4 of the grids on both 50 & 144 mhz. Activity seemed lower than recent years but i still enjoyed the time I was able to operate. Thanks to all who were on and participated and to contest director Steve, N8BJQ, for all of his hard work to manage and support the CQ WW VHF contest and keep it going | KA9VDU | Hilltopper | I operated out of a pole barn shed with a vintage Yaesu FT-620b 6 meter mono band radio at 10 watts to a speaker wire dipole at 8 feet off the ground in the yard. Signals were fantastic! | KB0ZOM | Single Op All | Where's all the 2M activity? How about a designated FT8 etc calling frequency like 6M. Also, lets use the calling frequencies. Not everyone has a band scope. Getting beam direction, time and frequency to line up at random is difficult with signals at the noise floor | KC4PX | Single Op All | Activity made a significant improvement when digital FT8 mode was released just prior to the contest. I encourage CQ to align with ARRL to end the contest at 0259z Monday and not 2100z on Sunday. Most enjoyable contact was working grid DO20 from EL98 on FT8 mode | KD7WPJ | Hilltopper | I operated from mt. Hoffmann in Yosemite national park. Grid locator - DM07fu. Elevation - 3307m. It was the first time activation of this summit for the program summit of the air (SOTA). SOTA reference - W6/NS-035 | KE0TT | Single Op QRP | K3/10 at 5 watts to an 88' dipole up about 40' . A couple of openings, but most of the time 6M was silent here in EN34. K4BAI, john, thanks for the QSO, always enjoy hearing you on. Thanks to all of you who copied my QRP. C U next time. 73 | KG7HQ | Hilltopper | Operated three plus hours from Chuckanut Mountain, Larabee State Sark, WA.(CN88sp46) @ 1998 ft above sea level. EQUIPMENT: FT-857D @ 5W, PBOX 21AH battery, 2 element 6m yagi (Buddibeam), 4 element 2m yagi (Cushcraft) single mast mounted @ 15 ft. Modes used: A1A & J3E. Station deployed and operational within 15 minutes of arriving on site. The 5 watt limitation provided some frustration in that 6 meters opened to the southeast but stations could hear the weak transmission. Local contact challenges were additionally difficult but when using mixed mode (cw xmit/ssb rec) i was able to gain an additional four stations. Public exposure to amateur radio was gained by answering questions of passer-by's and handing out business cards to those who showed interest in the hobby. This made for a nice exposure event. 73 DE Michael | KK6NWJ | Single Op 6M | I had some equipment problems and only made one completed call on 50 | KN4Y | Single Op 6M | Slow time between contacts | KO9A | Single Op 6M | Saturday and FT8 during big Es - great! Sunday and FT8 during MS - not so good! | KX7L | Single Op All | A nice Es opening to the east was a great way to start the contest! Looks like FT8 is the new kid in town - saw more activity on 50.313 than on SSB at times. Now if the contest software would just support the new mode a little more conveniently. Thanks for all the QSO's! | N0JK | Hilltopper | S/O Hilltopper with old MFJ-9406 and whip. About a basic a 6M station you can get. W7GJ said "you are pounding in here!" heard some W4s on 2M Es 7-16 at 0122z. Nice to see XE activity | N2OA | Single Op All | I'd like to see this contest run until 03:00 UTC | N4HWH | Single Op 6M | Contested at Carolina Beach area. Very few contacts at zero feet elevation | N4PN | Single Op 6M | Only two hours but don't think it would have made much dif - condx have again been very bad | N4QWZ | Single Op 2M | Nice opening to the northeast. Not many stations on. Worked K2LIM - 660 miles, VE3YCU - 608 miles, W3SO - 535 miles, WA2FGK - 680 miles | N6KL | Single Op 6M | While visiting family in Wyoming, it was fun to work a few contacts from the mobile with just the vertical whip and the FT-991 from the driveway from there in DN72 | N6QQ | Single Op 6M | Never seen a new mode (ft8) grow so fast | N6RPM | Multi-Op | Contest was enjoyable with loads of activity especially on 6 meters! Hope this contest spurs more stations out here on the west coast to get on the air!! | N6ZE/7 | Single Op All | Classic ops: used ssb, but seems I need to modernize with FT8!!! Nice to have some 6M Es this time. Worked 1 new grid on 2M and several on 6M from my northern part time QTH. Rig: FT991, Cushcraft 7 element 2M yagi and ancient Lunenberg hipar 3 element hilltopper for six meters. My CN87tw QTJ overlooks the Puget Sound from an elevation of 500 ft. Unlike most other entrants, i wore a heavy shirt most of the time due to 60 degrees f and some wind. A far cry from Las Vegas at 116F | N8TFD | Single Op 6M | Yes, EN86 was active ... Was happy to give out some ATNOS | NH7RO/W5 | Single Op All | Equipment and antennas used: Elecraft K3/100 + KPA500 amp + M2 ho loop, traffie 6m hexbeam, homebrewed double h bay for 6m, Icom 746 + elk lpda for 2m. Conditions were fairly good for 6m both days but Saturday was the busier of the two here in EL18. Was fun to hear and work so many stations still using SSB as I have no intentions or desire to rush off to computer-to-computer digital mode "qsos." Long live traditional modes---especially on six meters---my favorite band! 73, Jeff | R6CS | Single Op 2M | My setup: 144- ANT 4X15EL. H-POL. LNA-23DB. POWER-500W. TRSV- IC970D | SM4GGC | Single Op 2M | Nice contest! I was participated for my first time and was expected to work some MS and EME qso and no more. The aurora did change the conditions and with perfect timing when moon was in 1 degrees elevation did the aurora start, so I am more than satisfied with this contest. Very fun! | UT1ZZ/A | Hilltopper | I'm work from portable condition KN48bp - only hand TYT UV8000d and RH770 antenna | VA2LGQ | Multi-Op | Great contest...good opening on 6 on Saturday night | VE3DS | Single Op All | Had some fun with digital this year FT8 was interesting on Es | VE3JAR/R | Rover | I met Vic VE3JAR a month ago, and looked him up on Discovered that he has a lot of experience as a rover HF and 6 in grids EN48, EN58 and surrounding grids so offered him an opportunity to travel in the VE3CRU Rovermobile using his call. He graciously accepted. Started in grid FN04xa, a farm well used by rovers at 720 fasl. Conditions were poor, calls were not plentiful so we moved ahead of schedule to FN13ax at 280 fasl near the waters' edge of Lake Ontario. Got nothing on 6 and about the same total as before. Next, moved to FN14ba but could not locate in the usual sweet spot due to heavy rains making the last 100 feet very treacherous, chance of getting stuck in the mud. Backed up and drove into a nearby farmers field as the crop had been recently taken off, hay. Conditions on 6 were looking better and Vic was really on a roll, with all but 2 being in the EM grids. 2 was improving with 3 more qso's than in FN13. The excitement was building. Last qso was 0015z. Moved to FN03vx, not the best site but the one closest to home. Made first contact at 0055. Then, without warning, the unexpected happened. Unreal!!! At 0100z approx I heard a ragchew in progress, noting that the loudest had a strong accent. Very puzzled, I had to know where this originated from. Patiently waited but no ID given, so I took the bull by the horns and broke into the qso. Gave my location and both were in shock. I heard their chatter, and both copied me well. The other ham was heard to say - that call is in Canada. My caller could not believe it, kept asking me where I was I kept repeating my grid, then Cobourg Ontario about 60 miles east of Toronto. Now read this. Rotator bearing: 240 degrees. Mode used: SSB. Call given: W5CVE. Location given: Oklahoma. Grid given: EM14. Frequency: 144.225. Distance: approx 2000 km. Using Icom 910H to rear 9 elmts (minus removed trigonal reflector) of a CC 4218xl Boomer at 11 feet above the ground. Mean elevation was about 500 fasl. Feedline was 25' of RG8X not usual RG213. Made 2 more qso's and headed for home. Vic btw pushed so hard for qso's he developed laryngitis having to repeat so many times with weak signals, using my old 756 ProII into a hamstick on the roof. Sunday, off to the very popular Hagersville grid corners at s-e corner of FN03aa etc. WX promised rain later. Can run in all grids in a 3 km radius of center, sweet. Arrived in EN93xa at 1300z. 6 was totally dead, but 2 was okay with a lucky 13 qso's. Then went to FN02ax got 7 qso's. Now moving to EN92xx to get another 7 qso's including 2 with VE3ZV in EN92vw including 6, loud! Last move, to FN03aa saw 7 qso's including 2 to VE3ZV again. Barely missed the rain, by 3 km. DX includes K1TEO x 5 east, K8GP x 5 on 2 south, EL87 south,many in EM grids. Thanks to our sponsor CQ, to Steve Bolia and staff supporting the contest, and to all who participated plus those who patiently held on with us till a qso was made. You made our weekend great!!!VE3JAR/R | W0BL | Single Op 6M | Best contest conditions in many years |